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We all have questions... Questions of God, faith, relationships, and many other things. Here at Club Praise we Guarantee you an answer!!
There comes a time when we doubt things. We doubt our faith, we question our will. If you are dwelling over trying times, please share your story with us. We always have advice, and most importantly we care about our fellow man. God Bless you, and don't be afraid to ask us anything. Just fill out the short form below with your questions/comments
Previous Questions
Earl: Dear Club Praise-What does God expect of me?
Our Dearest Earl
"The Lord has already told you what he requires: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you God. -- People try all kinds of ways to please God. But God tells us to do what's right, to be merciful, and to walk with him. As you try to please God, ask yourself, Am I fair to others? Do I show mercy to those who wrong me? Do I do right under all circumstances, no matter how much pressure there is to do wrong? Walk with God, and he will be pleased to walk with you.
I really dont no where to start cause i have so many
problems I'm 15 years old. I got into a fight with a girl and suposably she beat me up but i no she didnt. every one knows in my school and now she embaresses me in front of people. Now heres my problem, I get this idea that i should get revenge on her. so I read spells and write some down i never cast one before and I'm trying not to but i just fill so low and I don't no what to do im going CRAZY!!! please help.
D.M.'s response (Clubpraise Staff):
"hey pattie, it is a rough situation that you are in but just remember that lord takes care of his children and he is always caring about us no matter what happens leave it in his hands and he will take care of it until then remember the fruits of the spirit one is self control God Bless You and remember vengence is not ours it is the lords!
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